
How it works

Created to fill a need identified by the nonprofit community, BrowardNonprofitResources.org is a no cost, one-stop resource for nonprofit organization in the Broward County area. All of the information is provided by specific community resources who share the same ultimate goal of helping nonprofits, the economy and the future of our community. Whether you are starting a nonprofit or are an existing nonprofit organization, please feel free to reach out to the partners that can help you move forward.

Simply go to the category that best describes what stage your organization is in and choose the subcategory that fits your need. Each subcategory will list the services provided and will take you to the organizations website for more information and how to reach them.

The community resource partners are all part of the Alliance of Nonprofit Resource Organizations (ANRO). For more information about ANRO and the executive partners, please visit our About ANRO page or call 954-546-2735.

This website is funded by the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship.